Final Major Project

 The Theme: ‘Rhythms and Cycles’

The cycles of life, death, decay and rebirth have continuously provided a wealth of inspiration for artists, designers and craft workers.

City skylines are transformed as buildings are torn down and then rebuilt, cranes stand like sentinels over the rubble and steel skeletons of architects’ new visions. Urban cityscapes pulse with neon illuminations as the evening’s entertainments begin. The streets throng with partygoers before the bustle dies away in the early hours to give a brief moment’s peace before the dawn breaks with the rumble of recycling lorries, crashing and clanging through the deserted streets. Filling their bellies with the detritus of contemporary life, they join the clamour of the rush hour traffic. Factory sites hum and vent steam as the wheels of industry crank up to speed for the days production, whilst the workforce play dodgems on the white lined tarmac with Fiestas and Cherokees, in frantic bids to seek out the last available parking spaces. Streets and pavements reflect the change in seasons as Christmas lights are replaced by garish window displays proclaiming the January sales and Spring fashions. Pedestrians also provide a visual extravaganza as winter’s drab textiles are replaced with summer’s colourful designs. The new season’s outfits often recycle and revive styles of previous generations.

The Earth’s rotation is responsible for catastrophic events resulting in widely contrasting visual spectacles, from vast, flat, tidal estuaries to mighty, jagged mountain peaks, evidence of the indefatigable movement of the earth’s tectonic plates. The sea changes with every tide and new weather front, one minute azure blue with impotent ripples, the next steel grey and raging, as it pulverises cliffs and harbour walls.

Each season produces its own unique recurring visual display, beginning with Spring as new life emerges wherever it can find a niche. Pigeons nest on impossible ledges and elder forces its way out of the smallest cracks in neglected masonry. Daffodils, crocuses and snowdrops bring an early splash of colour to roadsides and woods.

The frantic lifecycles of animals become apparent as summer advances. Queen ants pour out of cracks in the pavement and take to the wing in a desperate search for a mate, before opportunistic, acrobatic gulls snap them up in mid air. Parks and gardens become playgrounds for all manner of fauna as they race against time to live out their destinies before the onset of winter.

Summer’s activity slowly subsides as each day shortens, temperatures plummet and mists descend lacing cobwebs with tiny jewels of water that sparkle in the weakening sunlight. Maples and Virginia Creepers display unbelievable contrasting shades of green and red as autumn rapidly transforms the landscape.

Here are some other ideas inspired by the theme that might help you begin your journey.

Frogspawn, eggs, newborn lambs/calves
Building, recycling, reclamation/demolition sites
Shop windows, markets, street vendors, carnivals, fêtes
Clouds, rainbows, whirlwinds
Music waves, rivers, tides
Timetables, maps/contours, journeys
Ferries, trains, racing/rally cars, racehorses, greyhounds
Routines, rituals, ceremonies, habits, rush hour
Emotions, movement, development, evolution

Referenced from the AS Photography Exam Paper 2010

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