Evaluation Of The Exam

Over the course of the exam and the entire year, i have learnt alot about Photography as a subject and as a profession. Although i have not actually taken it up as a profession, i can comprehend and understand the difficulties of how a photographer takes the pictures or how any form of photography, be it electronical, printing, art etc. is done and the process used to achieve the final outcome. The difficulties that i faced are only minor compared to big artists that have an entire gallery to construct and portray. although alot of the photography that i have seen carries a deep meaning that underlies it, i have realised that photography is one big learning curve, which i believe i have learnt alot from and i am still learning. The year has taught me many things that i can hopefully take on in later life to make whatever i do that much more fun and easier for me to do.

Since starting the exam, i have come across alot of ideas and concepts that i could of used for the task, yet the task i chose, i feel, combined my knowledge in filming and editing which is a topic i enjoy doing, with a concept that can either be taken literally or meaningfully. The concept i used allowed me to be creative aswell as doing something that was quite interesting to film and set up. the backbone construction of my concept was most likely the hardest bit do to. Mainly because of the mind blanks that i had trying to put together a logical and experimental concept that would keep me entertained and focus on completing.

The 3 big problems that i faced were sticking to deadlines in class as well as externally for me to complete what i wanted to achieve, the technical difficulties that occassionally arose and some of the editing. The first technical difficulties being one of the cameras didnt work or the data didn’t upload to the Apple Mac’s for me to edit and compose the concept. I feel however, with little to no support from staff, (Which was one of the things i wanted to achieve) i have sufficiently been able to cope with the difficulties that came up.  The overal filming of the dominoes falling down in concession and the overal construction of the slopes and dives was moderately easy after i figured out the physics of it all. Some slopes needed to be smaller than others, some needed a steeper gradient, alot of the materials were too slippery of just wasn’t sufficient amount of etc. these were easily overcome with minimal funding and alot of elbow grease.

The last difficulty that i had was the editing. due to some random reason alot of the footage wasn’t able to be edited in the normal suite in the college. The program that i was using (Adobe Premier Pro CS3) didnt allow me to edit the footage that had been previously edited in the Mac suite at college. this did prove a problem for me, as i had to only use the mac suite to edit which wasnt always available for me to use. another slight glitch was the memory capasity of the computers aswell as my memory stick. all of the footage combined came up to more that what my memory card could possibly store, and the computers at college contained other college work which also took space. The way i got around this was by using the colleges internal memory which is available for anyone to use with massive files that can not be stored on their own PC. 

Apart from these 3 minor glitches the whole exam went really smoothly which is what i was hoping for.  alot of the work that i have produced has allowed me to further my knowledge of the whole process. it has also given me valuable experience in editing film at a later time and alot of technical knowledge on what to and not to do in future.

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